
发布时间:2024/3/3 11:33:00 编辑:ikaixi 手机版
  英语话题作文 篇1
  Writing: imagine a scenario or express your opinion
  Lift refers to something going up, which can happen by itself or due to an external force. What is lifting? Why is it lifted? How is it lifted?
  This week's topic: It lift... (90-110 words)
  1) lift on the airplane wing
  2) lift the curtains
  3) lift the display
  4) lift one's arms
  5) Instead of writing a scenario, feel free to comment on the story below.
  As for the person he was looking at, Wolfe could only detect a very slight glint in the eyes, not sure if that was just his imagination, along with a tiny lift to the corner of his lips to acknowledge he was aware of the reporter's presence. What's with the attitude? Wolfe rolled his eyes internally. No doubt the eyes were beautiful, but Wolfe was definitely not fond of the expression he interpreted to be a smirk. The model acted as if he did not know Wolfe; Wolfe did just the same, acting completely indifferent.

  英语话题作文 篇2
  spare tie (业余时间), favrite (最喜欢的), interest(兴趣), hbb(爱好), appetite(嗜好),taste(口味), read nvels(也小说), pla ftball/basetball(打足球/篮球), surf the internet(上网), chat nline(在线聊天), pla gaes(玩游戏), cllect staps(集邮), ae e—friends(交网友), clib untains(爬山), watch TV (看电视), en ppular usic(喜欢流行音乐),be interested in(对…感兴趣), develp an interest in(在…方面发展兴趣), be fnd f(喜欢…),be een n(喜欢…), have lve fr(喜爱…), have a taste in(对…有兴趣) 等.
  wr(工作), be at wr(在工作), wr hard(努力工作), prduce(生产), wrer(工人), labr frce(劳动力), labr(劳动), vluntar labr(义务劳动),serve the peple(为人民服务),heart and sul(全心全意),phsical labr(体力劳动), ental labr(脑力劳动), labr viewpint(劳动观念), labr da(劳动节), wrda(工作日), eans f labr(劳动方式), hnrable(光荣的), be devted t(奉献于..), value(价值), earn ne(赚钱) , persnal interests(个人利益)等.
  harnius(和谐的), friendl(友好的), civilized(文明的), hnest(真诚的), credible (诚信的), be public—spirited(有公德心的), balanced(平衡的), be in rder(有序的), peaceful(和平的), live in harn(生活和谐), sustainable develpent(可持续发展)等,help each ether(互助), care fr each ther(互相关心), have deep lve fr (热爱), be cncerned with (关心), build(创建), cherish(珍惜), tae an active part in(积极参与), pa attentin t scial ral(讲究社会公德), prtect the envirnent(保护环境), save energ(节省能源)等.n pains, n gains. 不劳无获.
  …can be achieved b hard w. …可以通过劳动获得.it is difficult t find wr in the present situatin. 在当前形势下,很难找到工作.it is hnrable t … …是光荣的.if everne … fr thers and the sciet, ur wrld will be …如果每个人为他人和社会做…, 我们这个世界将会….ever ne shuld … and devtes hiself t building ur therland int a strng cuntr.每个人应该 …,为把我们祖国建设成为一个强壮的国家而奉献自己的力量.
  epl(雇佣), l fr(寻找), tae in(吸纳), full—tie(全职的), part—tie(兼职的), well—paid(薪水高的), be paid b the hur(按小时发工资), requireent(要求), résué(个人履历),schling(受教育情况), subects(课程), wring experience(工作经历), qualificatin(合格证明), transcript (成绩单), health(健康状况), present address(现在通讯地址)等,appl fr(申请…), graduate fr(毕业于), ar in(以…为专业), degree(学位), schlarship(奖学金), gd grades(良好的成绩), hbb(爱好), favrite(最喜欢的), be silled in(在…方面熟练), be gd at(擅长…), experienced(有经验的), cnfident(自信的), English and cputer abilit(英语和计算机能力), health(健康的)等.
  phsical and ental cnditin(身体与精神状态), strng(强壮的), un/health(不健康/健康的), verweight/fat(肥胖的), thin(瘦的), near/shrt—sighted(近视的), entall unhealth(精神不健全的), nral(正常的), abnral(不正常的), energetic(精力旺盛的), unhealth eating habit(不健康的饮食习惯), eat uch un fd (吃太多的垃圾食品)等,sta/eep health/fit(保持健康), build up ne’s bd/ iprve ne’s’ health(强身健体), enugh sleep(充足的睡眠), tae regular exercise(进行有规律的运动), rper diet(合理的饮食), gd living habits(良好的生活习惯), lse weight(减肥), reve heav burdens(减轻负担), be gd fr/d gd t(对…有益处), nutritin(营养), g n diet(节食), fr a … eating habit(养成一个…的饮食习惯) breathe in as uch fresh air等.
  pllute(污染),waste is scattering here and there.(到处撒满了废弃物),prtect the envirnent(保护环境) ,send ut se and pisnus gases int the air(散发出烟和有毒气体),cut dwn trees(砍伐树木), pur waste water int the rivers(把废水注入河流),it is a shae t thrw rubbish arund. (乱扔垃圾是可耻的),fr gd habits t prtect the surrundings(养成良好的习惯来保护环境), tae active easures t prtect rare anials(采取积极措施保护稀有动物), tae gd care f ur frests(关心我们的森林),plant re trees t iprve the envirnent (多植来改善环境),the terrible pllutin have dne great har t us as well as t the surrundings. (可怕的污染已经给我们自己还有我们的环境带来了很大的危害.)
  schl rules and regulatins(学校规章制度),be(遵守), bserve(遵守), eep/bserve discipline(遵守纪律), behave well(表现良好),be neatl dressed(穿戴整洁), respect ne’s teachers and parents(尊敬师长), be n tie(准时), eep the envirnent clean(保持环境干净), civilized(文明的) brea the rules(违反规章制度), discipline(纪律), spit(吐痰), thrw rubbish everwhere(乱扔垃圾), cheat in the exa(考试作弊), get in line (插队), fight with sb.(与…打架), punish sb. fr (因…处罚某人)等.the students are tld nt t brea an f the rules f the schl. 学校要求学生不要违反任何规章制度.the students are expected t … 学校期望学生….it ust be ade clear that the students shuld … 必须明确的一点是,学生应该…. … is f n gd t a friendl and harnius sciet. …对创建友好和谐的社会是毫无益处的.it is hnrable t be the principles and rules f ur schl.遵守学校的规章制度是光荣的.it is wrth f praise t ... …是值得表扬的.it is shaeful t … …是可耻的.what we shuld d is that … 我们应该做的事情是…
  get t nw sb.(认识某人), nw sb. reall well(熟知某人), ae friends with sb.(和某人交朋友), a strng persnalit (一个很强的个性), persnal atters(隐私), friendship(友谊), friendl(友好的), a clse friend(一个亲密的朋友), trust each ther (相互信任), precius(珍贵的.), wrth(有价值的), understanding(通情达理的), share …with sb.(与…分享…), be lal t(对…忠诚), eep in tuch with sb. (与…保持联系), eep cpan with sb.(和…结交), sta best friends with sb. (和…保持很好的友谊)等.

  英语话题作文 篇3
    该类别主要包括:教育、上网成瘾、上网交友、青少年犯罪、 个人隐私、出国留学、 知识学术欺诈、 望子成龙, 拔苗助长、 应试教育素质教育 、考试作弊 、相互攀比、 名牌、 浪费、 课业负担、 恋爱 、兼职 、占座、 8090后 、富二代、 校园旅游 、教育平等 、独生子女、 农民工子女、 创新 、迷信、 溺爱(spoiled)。
  1、To concentrate limited resources on creative talents, or elite;
  2、Enable students to possess better job skill;
  3、prepare students for future employment;
  4、to enhance the quality of population;
  5、to promote scientific and technological level;
  6、 to prepare one for a better and more meaningful life rather than a job;
  7、one-child policy
  8、migrant workers(农民工);
  9、impartial education opportunities
  10、overwhelming homework;
  11、quality education(素质教育)
  12、a comprehensive renovation

  英语话题作文 篇4
    Relax Yourself
  Every time when we feel stress, others will ask us to be relaxed. And we all know that relax is good for us to make things successful. I think maybe it is because people can gain enough energy and clearing their mind after relaxing. But relaxing doesn't means indulging. Some people may suffer pain when they are trying to make something done, but when they stop to relax, they feel happy for avoiding the difficulty. And then they may indulge in the relax life resist to think. It is not good for them. For example, a student is tired from study. He can recover after several minutes’computer games. But if he is addicted in it, he will ruin his study. Thus, when relaxing, people need to pay attention to the problem of degree. Do not step over the line.

  英语话题作文 篇5
  此政策在网络和微信上引发了热议(become a sensation on the Internet and WeChat)。不少网友认为00后(children born after 20xx)太自私,即使是同意父母生二胎的孩子,在有了弟弟妹妹后脾气也会变坏。但也有不少人认为,这仅仅是教育方式的问题而已(the problem lies in education)。如青岛一所小学的一群四年级学生日前成立了反弟弟妹妹联盟,说服父母不要生二胎。(A group of fourth-graders at an elementary school in Qingdao formed an anti-siblings alliance in an effort to persuade their parents not to have a second child.)该校一名老师最近发现,班里有八个孩子常聚在一起窃窃私语,讨论这件事(hold secret meetings to discuss the issue)。这些学生担心弟弟妹妹会分走自己独享的父母宠爱(steal their parents' exclusive love)。
  有话题就会有相关词汇,这就要求大家在平常的学习中多多积累,这样到用的时候心中自然就有丘壑。如本篇总结词汇如下:00后(children born after 20xx);反兄弟姐妹联盟anti-siblings alliance;分走自己独享的父母宠爱(steal their parents' exclusive love)。同时也可以扩充相关词汇,如:生育登记服务制度?birth registration service system;流动人口 mobile population;独生子女家庭 only child family;生育时间表 birth time schedule;备孕 plan for pregnancy;母婴用品 baby, kids & maternity products;研究生妈妈 post-graduate mother。
  二胎政策实施的过程中,也给社会带来了一定的影响。这一部分探讨也可以作为作文的写作素材。如全面二孩政策(universal two-child policy)出台后,中国内地主要城市三居室或四居室的大户型房子(large three or four-bedroom homes)销量攀升。北京和上海等城市的很多夫妇正在搜寻居住环境更佳的大房子(hunt for larger homes with a better environment),为家里添丁加口早做准备。据估计,新的生育政策将使未来5年内多增加1700万新生儿(extra 17m babies being born within the next five years)。

  英语话题作文 篇6
    Recently, to improve the students’ listening and speakingabilities, the English teacher in Class 3 conducted a survey amongthe whole class on whether they should have a three-minute speechin English at the beginning of a period. According to the survey,65% of the students firmly support the idea, for they think thismethod will be helpful to their English learning and it is a goodchance for them to practise their listening ability as well asspeaking ability. However, 35% of the students are strongly againstit, saying that it costs the limited time in class. What’s worse,if they can not make sense of the speeches, they will loseconfidence in learning English. As for me, I think it is a goodidea to have a three minutes’ speech at the beginning of a periodbecause I believe practice makes perfect.

  英语话题作文 篇7
    Air pollution
  Air pollution comes from factories, power stations and cars. Chemicals in the smoke from power stations cause a lot of damage. They can travel hundreds of miles in the wind before falling to the ground in the rain. But this chemical rain gradually destroys trees in the forests and kills fish in the lakes. In Germany, over 50% of the country's trees had been damaged by the year 1986. Time and time again there are serious accidents that pollute the air. In 1986 there was a bad accident at a nuclear power station in Russia. A cloud of radiation crossed the whole of Europe. It is said that 125,000 people died in Russia as a result of illnesses caused by this accident.In 1984 there was a serious accident at a factory in India and a cloud of dangerous gas covered the town of Bhopal. Over 2,500 people were killed that night, and hundreds of thousands of people were injured. Many of the injured lost their sight.

  英语话题作文 篇8
    What should we thank?
  The thankful great universe provides the environment of existence for us and give us sunlight, air, water and everything in keeping with us existence of space, bring storm to let us accept to toughen for us, bring to us mysterious let us look for. The thankful parents give us the life, make us feel the merriment of the human life, feel the genuine feeling of the human life, feel the comity of the human life, feel happiness of the human life, also feel hardships and pain and sufferings of the human life! The thankful teacher works with diligence and without fatigue everyday of teach, give us knowledge ability, and put on the wing which flies toward the ideal for us. The thankful classmate and friend grow up with us and let us no longer stand alone in the itinerary of life. The thankful our country provides us with free books, dormitory and food. Whenever it is, we should keep a thankful heart towards everything existed. Only thus, can we become a useful man.

  英语话题作文 篇9
  Nowadays, there are more and more [某种现象] in [某种场合]. It is estimated that [相关数据]. Why have there been so many [某种现象]? Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows. The first one is [原因一]. Besides, [原因二]. The third one is [原因三]. To sum up, the main cause of [某种现象] is due to [最主要原因]. It is high time that something were done upon it. For one thing, [解决办法一]. On the other hand, [解决办法二]. All these measures will certainly reduce the number of [某种现象].
  Nowadays ,there are more and more XX in some big cities . It is estimated that ( 1 ). Why have there been so many XX ? Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows.The first one is that ( 2 ) .Besides,( 3 ) . The third reason is ( 4 ).To sum up ,the main cause of XX is due to ( 5 ) .
  It is high time that something were done upon it. For one thing ,( 6 ).On the other hand ,( 7 ). All these measures will certainly reduce the number of XX .
  (6)解决建议一 (7)解决建议二
  Generation gap between parents and children
  Nowadays , there are more and more misunderstanding between parents and children which is so- called generation gap . It is estimated that (75 percentages of parents often complain their children's unreasonable behavior while children usually think their parents too old fashioned).
  Why have there been so much misunderstanding between parents and children?Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows . The first one is that ( the two generations,having grown up at different times, have different likes and dislikes ,thus the disagreement often rises between them) . Besides(due to having little in common to talk about , they are not willing to sit face to face ) . The third reason is (with the pace of modern life becoming faster and faster , both of them are so busy with their work or study that they don't spare enough time to exchange ideas ).To sum up ,the main cause of XX is due to ( lake of communication and understanding each other) .
  It is high time that something were done upon it. For one thing (children should respect their parents ).On the other hand ,( parents also should show solicitue for their children). All these measures will certainly bridge the generation gap .